
iOC can provide the training specific to the segment needed, be it wireline, log analysis etc. The critical added advantage that iOC provides is that iOC is not trying to sell their own technology but sharing their knowledge which makes it more balanced. Another critical advantage is that we can coach the team on the oilfield services contracts and impact of log requirements on logging cost.
Operations Management

Efficient operations management sets up the stage for any company to achieve their corporate targets. Sound operations management transcends daily business requirements and builds competitive advantage. This is a much bigger vision than just being a cost-effective business enabler. It requires forward, innovative thinking and agile response to rapidly changing markets, technologies and efficient cost synergies.
The value can be realized through the communication of clear vision, proper training, optimized resource assigned and impeccable execution. InTime Oilfield Consultants’ operations experience and implementation processes connect clients’ strategies with execution. We start with the premise that operations can and should be a strategic asset, and we bring the industry, functional and technology depth required to rapidly close the gap between ideas and results.
Tender Management

iOC involvement can be paramount in this exercise. Having extensive knowledge of the tendering techniques used by the oilfield service companies we are very aware that although a tender price may look cheap, in real logging scenarios it will escalate exponentially negating any savings shown initially based on a static template. We can give you the real picture of cost impact beyond the evaluation sheet thus allowing a better comparison.
Quality Management

From a simple logging operation to complicated multi-segment well operations, we are here to help in all phases of the operation from its concept stage to it real time delivery. We have detail understanding of these operations as we used to run the same operations as Engineers and then as Managers. This QA/QC process can be done real-time to prevent a failure or afterwards in case of concerns.
Being a third party also allows us to help our clients in independent reviews of any service quality issues and failures. Knowing the internal quality procedures of many service companies we can help investigate in detail to reach the root cause.
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